
Shooting Range

Natural Right Firearms operates a small arms shooting range. We offer a choice to shoot in one of ten handgun shooting bays and a 300 Yard long range bay. Natural Right Firearms Range membership is required. Members will be afforded the opportunity to shoot any time during the week during range operation hours. Non-members will only be allowed to use the range when attending with an active member. Guest will be charged $20 to attend with a member and will have to sign a waiver prior to shooting with the member. The annual member will be responsible for guest shooters following range rules. Please read range rules at the bottom of this page.

Beginning this year 2024 Membership will be one price. The annual membership is $210 per year and are all family memberships.  This means anyone who is on the tax roll of the member can shoot for this annual membership. Members will receive a 10% discount on all gun shop merchandise and $5 off one gun at any gun match registration.



To apply for membership go to
You will have to register for a free Practiscore account.
You then need to go to NRF Club and request a membership.
You will be asked to read and accept the terms of membership which is an affidavit of understanding and agreement to abide by range safety rules and waiver of liability.  Natural Right Firearms will have to approve your submittal then you will receive a notice that you can pay for the membership online. 


Reservations are required by all members to use the range. Simply send a text to 601-310-7708 and confirm you would like to reserve a bay and I will reserve it for you using the booking calendar below. Weather permitting Range hours are 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday thru Saturday and 1:00pm to 5:00pm on Sunday. Range is open till 6:00pm during daylight savings time.

Range Rules

Natural Right Firearms Range appreciates you taking the time to come out and shoot with us. These are the safety rules you need to understand before heading to the firing line. Please make sure that all your guns are in a bag or case. If you are properly licensed in the state of Mississippi you may keep your gun in your holster until you're on the firing line.
Let's go over some more of the safety rules.

• You need to treat every firearm as if it is loaded at all times.
• Never point a firearm at anything you aren't willing to kill or destroy.
• Always keep your muzzle downrange and keep your finger off the trigger until you've acquired the target in your sights and you're ready to fire.

Before entering the range, all firearms must be secured in a case or bag. No person is allowed on the shooting range unless they have a signed waiver of liability on file and have watched the range safety video. Eye protection and hearing protection must be donned before entering the shooting range. These must remain in place until you exit the range.
All firearms and ammunition must be safety inspected by the RSO prior to use. Firearms must be cleared and made safe before being holstered to leave the range. Never use or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs before or during shooting activities. Any visitor age 16 or younger for long guns or 21 or younger for handguns must be accompanied on the range by a parent or legal Guardian.

Only brass cased ammunition is allowed on the range. No ammunition over 45 caliber is allowed and no armor piercing, incendiary, tracer or steel core ammunition is permitted. If you are renting a firearm from Natural Right Firearms, you may only use ammunition you purchased from Natural Right Firearms. No personal ammunition or reloads may be used in rental firearms. No black powder or muzzleloader firearms are allowed.

Only range approved cardboard targets may be used on the range. No food, drink, or tobacco products are allowed in the range area. Photo, video, cell phones or any other devices that could be a distraction from safety procedures are not allowed on the range. Always stay behind the shooting line. All firearms shall be cleared and holstered or benched any time targets are being changed or when the range is cold.

Firing from the hip or any unsafe position is not allowed. Shooting from a holster must be pre-certified and approved by an instructor who or Range Safety Officer. Rapid firing is allowed provided the firearm is always maintained under complete control. Shoot only at the target in your lane. Cross lane firing is not permitted.

There should be no hand to hand transfers of a firearm. When sharing a firearm, it must be placed on the bench by one person and picked up from the bench by the other. DO NOT pass firearms from person to another. If there is a firearm malfunction, notify any others on the firing line to cease fire and step back until the malfunction is cleared.

Negligent discharges or property damage must be reported to the Range Safety Officer immediately. If a cease fire is called, immediately place firearms down on the bench and stand back until it is safe to resume fire. All brass should be picked up and placed in brass containers before leaving the range.

Use of Natural Right Firearms Range facilities are a privilege not a right. We reserve the right to prohibit any activities by any person. Shoot straight and be safe.

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