
Basic Handgun Course

This class covers Self Defense Basics
Defensive Shooting Fundamentals
Gear and Gadgets
Basic and Advanced skills

Firearm Basics 

This section covers the universal safety rules for handguns, clearing a handgun. We will define and learn a guns action. We will learn about revolvers and semi-automatics. We will look at which gun is right for you, choosing ammunition, and how to clear malfunctions.

Defensive Shooting Fundamentals

This class looks at defensive shooting verse marksmanship. We will talk some about muscle memory, how to properly grip your firearm, the proper shooting stance. We will also discuss aligning the muzzle to the target through point shooting, flash sight picture, and precise sight alignment. We will talk about trigger control and how it affects hits and misses.


Gear and Gadgets

We will look at some of the many alternatives for Holsters, Tactical flashlights, Laser lights, and also look at gun safes and storage.

Basic and Advanced Skills 

We will conclude with creating a training program with dry firing exercises, fundamental drills, virtual training and consider what your next steps may be.


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COST: $50.00

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